But Zhian (I thought it was a male name) did not ask for peer review. S/he asked for help with a survey.

and what was given was pretty harsh "peer" review in a negative tone. not with an aim to improvement.
also based on the comments, I doubt any of you are Social Scientists (which brings in the question of peer) and are familiar with qualitative research. it is very different from what you might be used to.
for the record I am a scientist of the empiric nature. I give and get reviews daily. but when someone starting out in a field is brave enough to bring out an idea, I dont shut them down with overwhelming criticism (intitially anyway). especially when it is not asked for.
also asking for help gathering preliminary data hardly requires a study section review. I am glad i wasnt a student with some of you guys. i never would have enjoyed science enough to go on.
Rigorous peer review has a place. unfettered criticism of a student on a web site asking for help gathering preliminary data isnt it. I agree peer review is a process that makes science better. but the OP didnt ask for peer review.
however, if youre available i'd love some comments on my next grant before it goes in.....
and i have this paper that i've never been able to get the discussion just right........