I don't have any personal experience with them, but I was thinking about taking my son there after I read this family's account (In Particular 3/24/10). The mom has several posts about the process and mentions some interesting things. I thought a little more input might be helpful for you. It's hard when you're far away to know what's best.

Originally Posted by flower
Anyways the more she walks around outside on different materials barefooted the more variety of foods she will eat.
Interesting... I have a lot of trouble with DS2.5 and eating. He's an odd combo of seeker and avoider. Good luck with your daughter, hope you find some answers. If you do go to the Star Center, I'd love an update on how things went.

Originally Posted by tinymoonbeams
Would you mind describing what you see in a child with SID?

If you're looking for more info and examples, www.spdbloggernetwork.com and http://spdfoundation.net/ are good places to start as well.