Originally Posted by JonLaw
I certainly wasn't really worried about getting a job in chemical engineering when I graduated.

And I know of no engineer who is worried about their job, friends or family.

Everything seems fine in STEM world, from what I've seen and heard.

Even a guy I know from college who keeps ending up in the psych ward is having no problem finding new IT jobs when he gets released.

Obviously your local market plays into it, too. I too live in "hurricane alley," and my employer is having a devil of a time filling certain positions. I was surprised about how quickly I was hired, until I found out the position had been open for more than a year before I'd made myself available for it.

We recently went through a major corporate event that transformed the IT workforce (some new positions, some drastically changed positions, some eliminated positions, etc.). I don't have personal knowledge of any of my colleagues who moved out of the organization (willingly or otherwise) who didn't land on their feet immediately with a new employer.

Oh, and as a footnote to my previous post, I failed to mention information security, because each time some new technology or service is tied to public networks, that's a new threat vector.