Originally Posted by MegMeg
How long till she starts to realize that she's different? How long till she starts trying to hide who she is? I think this may be the beginning of some of the issues that y'all talk about a lot here.

Quick answer? In our case, around first grade. Kindergarten was okay because it was only 2.5 days per week, but once she started first grade, the differences became more stark.

The real "stuff" started happening in third grade: crying every night because she hated school, tummy-aches, headaches, etc. We skipped her to fifth and she did GREAT for a couple of months before it became boring again. But at least now she's not quite so miserable.

From talking with other parents, it seems like ages 8-10 is when this stuff really starts to manifest itself. Then stuff starts to get better around age 11 or middle school, whichever comes first.

And--yay for validation!

Last edited by jenner; 05/31/12 12:09 PM.