I want to write a testimonial but will need more time, you have been tremendously helpful. Not only with info, but also with the feeling that you are not alone, both myself and my ds.

For know I think a general good question/discussion(if blog) could be, Can my child be gifted and not be achieving well/behaving well at school? Or have trouble fitting in with other students or even the teachers? The posters on this board will of coarse know this could be true, but for parents just beginning to experience these difficulties at school a discussion(along with references and links) on the reasons for this could be very informative and helpful. There are so many reasons you could maybe even organize them into categories such as problems with academic fit, intensity temperaments, 2E issues, WISC info, etc. This was written very quick so please excuse any errors. I just wanted to show my support and state some "brainstorming"
ideas. Also comparing how a good educational fit can help the student.

Another suggestion, what about e-mailing the specific posters on this board that you have answered their specific questions and ask if you can post their question on your new site?