Originally Posted by Wren
We know a develop challenged girl at the beach, a month older than DD and she did K twice, so is currently in grade 1. She is promoted to grade 2 (NJ) because she is starting to read words. I was rather shocked that she would be promoted. The math is also poor. DD's class has multiplicatin and division in grade 2, so I do not know how this kid will manage in grade 2 but she cannot be the only one reading at that level.

This is a sidetrack, but developmentally disabled or LD kids can't be held back grades forever with the hopes that they will eventually catch up. It is far better to go ahead and promote them and have them enrolled in special ed classes to remediate their LDs as best as possible. Some kids may never catch up. They can't stay in school forever.

Re whether DWK is a 5th grade book, I don't know. The relevance of that discussion is how rare reading it in 1st is, which is the original topic of the thread. I did get the impression that my dd who was reading HP & the Goblet of Fire at the end of 1st and going into 2nd was reading significantly better than most of the kids in her grade, but I do think that is legitimately a book that one would expect to be read in late elementary.

The kids whose parents gushed about how advanced their kids were in reading and how they were reading at 4th or 5th grade levels at age 6 or 7 and whose kids were reading Junie B. Jones were more likely falling victim to poor book leveling systems. I didn't get the impression that that level of reading in 1st was extremely rare in my area.

If the OP's child is one of the few or only kids reading the type of books he is, though, it is rare for their area and he probably needs more than his grade peers. DWK may be a challenging series, but I don't know on that one as well.