Hey all,

I wouldn't go so far as to consider Aleks only for your "normal smart child".
I'm thinking it has more to do with personality. DD8 certainly isn't MG and she loves Aleks. She is also a very mathy person. Her personality is very focused and methodical. Aleks gives a choice when the child seems to have gotten a subject. They can go on to something else, or "master" the subject with a few more questions. DD8 is hilarious, she absolutley will not stop til she masters each subject. She doesn't do Aleks everyday, but when she does log on she goes at it for upwards of an hour or more sometimes. She likes it so much I went ahead and paid for the next six months.
I will probably look into Aops at some point because you all have posted favorable reviews.
DD5 who scored lower on IQ test, although I certainly wouldn't refer to her as normal smart either, wouldn't touch Aleks with a ten foot pole.
