Do the class.
AoPS works like that: you are asked to read the chapters ahead of time in preparation for the classroom time. Then you log on the computer for 1.5 hours each week to participate in the course. The key word here is PARTICIPATE. In order to do this your son will not only have to come up with the best approach to solving a particular problem, but also type it in really fast so his answer is the one that appears on the screen (the instructor chooses the answers he/she posts for all to see). This part is really tough, and I imagine the younger you are the tougher it would be.
After each class there are about 10 problems posted online for the registered students to work on. You should do this if you want to progress and become really good. After lesson number 2 the challenge test number one is released, that your child has about 4-6 weeks to work on his own (at home,not online), you submit it and the instructor writes back with detailed performance evaluation. Those test are very hard, trust me :-)

DS is currently taking Intro to Number Theory. He has taken previously Intro to Counting and Probablity, AMC 10 prep (very, very tough) and something else - forgot at this time. I am seriously considering for him to take Algebra 1 this summer, but our other plans might interfere:-) DS is currently in Algebra 2 and just turned 13. There is no way this class would be too easy for him, even though you might want to argue that he already knows the material. You need to have a look at AoPS books to really understand what their teaching method is all about.

Also, there is never really too much Algebra if you know what I mean:-)
Since you are not registered for the course, there is no way you can access the problems that the class is working on. Maybe CYM could cut and paste some of the examples? I don't now if this is legal though?