Originally Posted by Val
And I stand by what I said about the ceiling of the test. The score distribution at the top of the math test is quite weird:. 1,250 students scored 790, yet eleven times that number (~13,800) scored 800? Huh? I don't get that. And the strangeness continues as you go down ~720-730.

I'm not sure about lower down, but the weirdness at the very top looks like a granularity effect to me - if you miss one question, you still get an 800, but if you miss two questions, you get a 780, not a 790. There are a relatively small number of versions of the test, each of which has a slightly different score distribution associated with it. (When I took the SAT, I remember there was at least one version of the math test where it was impossible to get an 800 - everything right was still a 790.)