My husband and I have different kinds of smart (both demonstrably from several generations of that kind of smart). We appear to have passed both kinds to our children. They are a little bit scary.

Originally Posted by ColinsMum
Just from observation, though, the idea that it's rare for children of highly intelligent parents to be as intelligent as their parents doesn't seem at all plausible to me, at least when we're talking about parents both highly successful in the scientific/technical domain. It would be interesting to see research that compared children of couples both with similar IQs who work in the same field and have other indications of having "the same kind of" high IQ with children of couples with similar IQ numbers but different "kinds", actually.

ETA: we've talked about this often on this site. Here is a post I wrote last year to explain that "regression to the mean" doesn't work the way people sometimes think. Short version: if you think children's IQ will regress towards the mean of the population, you have to ask yourself "which population?" Humans? Primates? Mammals? PhD scientists?