One question that I thought was interesting that the initial psychiatrist asked my son that I thought was interesting: Do you have racing thoughts, where you just can't seem to quiet your mind? When my son said he did, the next question was the one I found interesting - are there a lot of different thoughts and ideas fighting for attention where it is hard to pay attention to any of them or is it one thought that just won't stop - if this then this then that, etc.
My son said it was the latter - a thought that led to more what-if thoughts all in a single line.
The psychiatrist said that the multiple thoughts is one indicator of ADHD, the latter not so much.
Hi, ABQMom,
I would really like to take DD to someone like this--who seems to be making a determination based on their own experience and expertise (for example, rather than relying on questionnaires from the present teachers who don't like or get DD or giftedness--as did the local psych who did DD's last evaluation--and she didn't seem to know anything about giftedness). We are looking at having DD re-evaluated by an expert and I would really like to find one like this--do you think that any of the people recommended by Davidson would do this kind of eval, or do I need to screen them somehow? And our insurance coverage is so poor that I think we'll end up paying for it all anyway, so I want to get it right this time--and I really want to know, so I can start being more emphatic about what DD does and doesn't 'have'.
If you feel like posting or PMing me their name, I would appreciate it.