Thanks everyone. She actually did a great job on her school work yesterday. She cut very well and colored mostly in the lines! Her teacher was very happy. She was telling me some things she wanted me to put on the grocery list today, so I told her she should make me a list. She wrote "Granola" on the list (then I told her she could do the rest later b/c it was nap time). In my opinion she did an excellent job writing it...not tracing. Maybe she would do better with just writing the letters and not trying to trace. She also spelled to word "granola" by herself, which I would think is pretty impressive for a kid in K3... Someone recommended the book "Handwriting Without Tears) to me. So I am going to get that to help practice her writing over the summer. Maybe she can get those handwriting skills a little closer to the level she is in other areas!
She actually does okay in school. She had to sit in the "sad chair" a couple times when school first started, but it did not take too many times for her to realize she did not want to do that! She doesn't like to sit still, but she generally stays out of trouble. I think she behaves better for them than me.
She knows a lot compared to other kids her age, but I think she could easily learn more if someone teaches her. She takes everything in and remembers it so easily. I'm going to do my best to help her continue to learn new things, and I guess I'll see where she is at the end of the summer.