I think she sounds gifted, yes... especially for reading fluently by age 2. (I have no idea how programs that Your Baby Can Read would influence this, but I think even with programs most children would not be reading this well by age 2!)

She certainly caught up quickly for having a rough start! She sounds amazing. smile

For comparison...My DS is 3 1/2 and very highly gifted (according to ped and psychologist). Might be PG, but it's just too early to know for sure. Some of his milestones, like the reading, sound similar to your daughter. Counting and the other things listed he did earlier, though. But he was also born at full term, so it's very hard to compare.

DS, like your daughter, is VERY strong willed. This has caused many problems in preschool. We've actually already had to leave/got kicked out of 2 preschools so far. He's going to a private gifted pre-kindergarten program in the fall. We'll see if the third time is the charm. I think like all kids, gifted kids have a range of personalities. The psychologist we've worked with told us that his extreme intelligence coupled with his strong-will and self-directedness is just a formula for school issues. She has warned us that it may be difficult to find a good fit for him school-wise. I hope your DD is having better luck in her school environment!

As for the fine motor being behind... a lot of gifted kids are a bit uneven. They may appear PG in some arenas, and MG or even average in others. To continue to use my DS as an example, he's off the charts in all areas... BUT gross motor is just average. He's also still struggling with potty training (still wets his pants almost every day), but this is likely more of a stubborn thing than anything else.

I can see how if you were so focused/worried about her being behind that your DD being gifted wouldn't even be on your radar. Well, I'm glad you found this place. I've learned so much here, and plus to support of getting to lean on other parents who really "get it" is just invaluable. Welcome! You are in the right place!