Thanks, mountainmom and polarbear.

That's what DD is saying (that she cleaned it up just so the teachers wouldn't get mad because they were already blaming her, even though the first time she said there was p**p on the wall (!) which if true I definitely would not believe she did). I actually agree with the teachers that it is a little different from DD's usual stance to agree readily to correct something she didn't do. But on the other hand she really *insists* she didn't do this--so I still really don't know (b/c I also don't want to get in the position ABQMom mentions of defending her when she's wrong--especially because these teachers already don't like her, or us for that matter even though we have really tried hard to make things work this year). So I'm really looking forward to the end of this school year and getting along with the teachers next year (I hope), so I'm not in this weird place of not knowing what is going on or what to do about it. I think this year is beyond repair, even though I feel like we did everything we could under the circumstances to try to make it work--including having DD evaluated by the school-affiliated psychologist (I think inaccurately), paying for said psychologist to come into the classroom weekly to try to help, and constantly trying to reinforce appropriate behavior with DD--all ultimately unsuccessful. *Very* frustrating.

Last edited by Dbat; 05/09/12 08:40 AM. Reason: clarification