I've been recording DDs milestones religiously. I doubt my second child will have this sort of list!

She is 17 months now and seems to be between level 3 and 4, except she doesn't really talk much (and when she does she is very hard to understand). If we replace words with ASL signs, she is just fine. She has over 200 of those and makes short sentences with them.

Her fine motor skills always seemed to develop along with her mind, but lately I feel like her mind has outpaced her motor skills. She's mastered all her chunky and knob puzzles, understands jigsaws, but literally can't work the small jigsaw pieces we have yet. She gets frustrated and flings things when that happens. She'll ignore stuff she gets really frustrated with for weeks, so I try to give her things that she can actually master with some practice.

It is really hard to figure out what she knows with just the sign language, but she seems to know quite a few letters, maybe some colors, and I can't yet tell if she gets numbers. I was spelling out words tonight from the books we read before bed and pointing to the letters and she was definitely paying attention and trying to understand. She doesn't say much, but she said some half words tonight and signed them as we flipped through a picture book. I love hearing her little voice. wink

She has 13 signing time DVDs memorized. During the ABC song yesterday, she was signing Caterpillar when they were singing about B for Baseball, then signed Diaper while they were still on C and so on. I sang the "X song" to her without saying X and she knew the tune and words and signed X when I asked. A month or so ago I said "pretend" and she started dancing, signed pretend and imagination and started just singing "Ah!" in what I swear was the correct key for the imagination song.

Either I'm playing these DVDs way too much, or that is evidence of a pretty good memory for a 17 month old? I think I'm going to be shocked with what she has to tell me when she finally starts to talk!

I know she recognizes most shapes, but we only know signs for moon and star. She knows a star shape is a star, but also that the twinkling dots in the sky are stars. She has asked me if my diamond earrings are also stars and asked if all the freckles on my arms were stars, too. (I say asked, because she does this little "Ah?" while signing the word haha)

She is also asking constantly about boys and girls and men and women. It seems like she is trying really hard to understand gender. She uses the mom and dad signs because we haven't taught her man and woman and I guess she thinks they can be generalized since grandpa and grandma are nearly the same.
This all may be normal toddler connection making, but it stood out to me.

I have no idea if the book is accurate, but I have found it to be an interesting resource and I go back and look at it every few months.

(Ps. Sorry for any typos. It is very late here! Off to bed.)

Edit: I re-read some of the above and DD knows this stuff, but she is being exposed to it. I show her it and it is on her DVDs she loves. But besides knowledge she did do a lot of things very early. Sitting unsupported at 4 months, 1st steps at 8 months, responding to requests like "kiss mommy" by 20 weeks old (have that on video! lol), looking through books alone by 8 months, and "reading" books to herself before 12 months by signing everything she had signs for.

Last edited by islandofapples; 05/05/12 11:07 PM.