Reading this thread reminded me of some of ds11's past interests

One of his first "professions" was to be a water fountain designer. There was excitement every time he saw a new fountain. When he was 2 we stayed in DC for part of the summer and we could not leave the building without first going to the courtyard to see the fountain there. One time I tried just leaving the building without looking at the fountain first and ds was not happy. He made this outrage apparent to anyone who was in the area. The guy at the front desk asked me "What were you thinking, leaving the building without looking at the fountain first!. This actually lasted for a few years in different forms. He would build fountain contraptions in the back yard using hoses, empty pipes etc, and an old plastic playground slide.
The lifeguard era came next (actually overlapping with the fountains). I had to buy two lifeguard shirts one summer so he would have one to wear while the other one was in the wash.

Then came the beginning of his computer programming interest. He first liked Microsoft paint and some other graphics software (the name escapes at the moment). He started designing water park "blue prints". Of course they were complete with water fountains and the lifeguard stations.

Now he is programming web browsers for the new HTML5 and getting my old computer to work with some of the new features of HTML5. He is trying to figure out what he can do with programming for work. Of course he wants to be in control running his own business involving programming in some way. Oh yea, I almost forgot he wants to teach. He is always trying to get people to be students in his "basement" school, with real homework, this does not go over well with DS8.

I really enjoyed reading everyone’s responses to this thread. The kids have so many unique interests, and such strong passions and intensities for their interests, It makes feel so not alone for DS11.