My daughter's first grade teacher was a fine arts major and exposed the children to a great deal of hands-on art such as painting their own Monet water lilies. My daughter decided that year she wanted to be an artist. She is in college now working as a graphic artist while pursuing a fine arts degree.

At the age of two, my older son wanted to be a fire truck. No matter how often we explained that the fire truck was not an option, he said he would invent the technology to be anything he wanted to be. By about age 8, he became fascinated with cars - which has turned into passion over the years. He is in college pursuing a degree in mechanical engineering with a goal of becoming a designer of cars.

The youngest wanted to be a soldier paleontologist when he was very little. Why the combo? So he could defend his new finds from others who would want to take it away. Over the years, he has wanted to be president, a senator, owner of his own video game software company, a drummer, a surgeon, and a mobile app developer. About the only consistent tone in his ideas has been that he would be the owner, be in charge. He's 12 and in no hurry to settle on any one idea.