Originally Posted by polarbear
We *did* successfully advocate for our ds in getting an IEP for his LD even though he has an exceptionally high IQ and is/was ahead of grade level in *many* areas. NOTE: he was not ahead of grade level in the area of his disability, and was in fact quite far behind and struggling tremendously. In spite of that showing up obviously in his work, it was quite the challenge to advocate in the face of a very dedicated attempt on the part of the school to prove that there "wasn't a problem".

This may be an approach that we will need to take down the road. We have done a lot of work to prop DD up, particularly with respect to writing. Even with the extra time provided by her 504, she was an anxious mess when it came to her state standardized writing test this year (it was her first year taking this type of writing exam). She said that she still didn't finish. It's hard to know whether my little perfectionist is being overly dramatic or whether she truly bombed it. It will be interesting to see how she did. I guess if she bombs it will help me argue to keep her 504. The school has started hinting that she doesn't need it even though it can be painful to watch her write. sigh.