Originally Posted by Dbat
I was just curious--is it a possibility for your DS to do independent study in math?

It's possible, but not preferred. Because DS has Asperger's, we are spending so much time working on social participation at school (by which I mean: paying attention to what's being discussed and contributing to the class discussion, volunteering information appropriately, being able to work collaboratively). Math is the class where this goes best, where his give and take with classmates is really good, where they respect his contributions and he has learned to respect theirs (especially since his subject acceleration to a compacted class that did three years of math in two years).

If he were more typical and just "ahead," I think we'd welcome other options. But we have needed to prioritize his social development, and math with peers is an opportunity too good to pass up. He also loves math class; it has been a happy, successful part of school, even during times when not much else was. All that is pretty important.

It would be nice if he were simpler to educate. As it is, he won't stop learning math no matter what, but we'll do our best to keep him balanced.
