Yes, don't panic about her being 48% into Lv 4, there are, as you suspect, a lot of topics that are revisiting the supposed prerequisites for the grade. I don't have a note of DS's initial assessment for Lv 4, but I do have a note that he was 70% of the way through it a week after finishing Lv 3, and he was only doing ALEKS at home after school, so most of that must have been what he assessed out of!

Your DD is currently accelerated into 2nd grade, is that right? I think if you plan to have her continue with ALEKS then given that they use it at school later it would be a good idea to keep them up to date with what she's doing at home. One would hope that they'll have no problem with it and can just bump her onto a higher ALEKS course, but you might find that they're not happy as you've "messed up their plans"!

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