I know there's been discussion about this elsewhere (math acceleration and social issues); I'm sure you've considered everything, but I was just curious--is it a possibility for your DS to do independent study in math? We're thinking about this for our DD8 (3rd grade) in the longer term and are currently doing IMACS and EPGY. IMACS is available as a "live" course in our area (and other places in the Southeast as well as online), and of course EPGY is online. The IMACS kids are about her age (although she is the only girl in the class of ~5) and the teacher has been great with all the kids--very patient. Since DD likes this stuff so much, we're planning on continuing but of course then the issue would be do we ever try to have her attend classes at her 'regular' school? But at least for now accelerated classes in the 'regular' school aren't an option for us (just don't exist here), which in a way makes our choices easier. smile