It took forever to get DS2's EXPLORE scores from Jan 2012 test, so good luck getting your DD's scores!

DS2 took EXPLORE thru Duke TIP we but hadn't heard Boo from them (only from ACT w/EXPLORE results - after much waiting) so I called Duke last week to see if, by chance, DS2 would get any sort of award/recognition/whatever for his scores. I recalled that the year DS1 took the ACT in 7th, there was a state award at our flagship and a national award ceremony at Duke (which DS1 didn't make cut-off for). DS1 hadn't taken EXPORE (we'd never heard of it) so I had no frame-of-reference.

When I spoke w/Duke, the lady told me there was no national award ceremony - nor had there ever been, for EXPLORE OR Talent ID Program at 7th - but that DS2 would be invited to a state ceremony in early June. I could have sworn there was a national award ceremony, so there goes my memory I guess. The Duke TIP lady did say that TIP was still waiting on ACT scores from Feb so they could calcuate overall top EXPLORE performers & send them letters, but that DS2 would make the cut-off, so we should plan on a June ceremony at our flagship. My impression is that some of you who w/ kids taking EXPLORE thru other talent search programs get more info/have more info/have info sooner than thru Duke TIP frown