Originally Posted by MidwestDad
I'm so happy - we are currently trying to work out math for our ds10 (4th grade) next year. He's been taking 5th grade accelerated, and next year will likely go to the MS, for either accelerated for a year with 6th graders (then gifted the following year with his own class) or gifted with the 6th graders (another skip).
I know they don't like skips, although he'd still be taking Algebra in 6th grade, nothing crazy or radical. Anyway, he scored a 25 on his EXPLORE math! That should definitely help our case, although we will also have to use the district's scores on the IAAT/DAT (we don't have those yet). However, I imagine a 25 on the math section will make them take notice. His other scores weren't as good - not sure if he'll make the awards ceremony (Reading and English 19, Science 22)but I'm not surprised. He's more sporty and outdoorsy than "sit and read" like his brother. I think reading really helps those other scores.
Anyway, happy to see them in our toolbox this morning!
Which ceremony? Northwestern or your own state?