Originally Posted by momtofour
Which ceremony? Northwestern or your own state?

I didn't even know that there were other ceremonies besides NW. We live about an hour, maybe a bit more, from NW, so I would assume that one if he makes it. After I posted previously, I looked at the prior score cutoffs and it looks like he might make it. I had vaguely remembered that you needed "in the 20s" - which he didn't have in reading and english, but it seems that his high math score might offset the other scores. Either way, I won't say anything until we know for sure.

In addition to the NUMATS award ceremony sponsored by CTD, award ceremonies may be held for the highest scorers in some states. This information will be posted as it is made available. The table below shows state award ceremony information for 2011.

State Date
Illinois August 27, 2011
Indiana May 9, 2011
Michigan May 14, 2011
Minnesota May 7, 2011
Wisconsin May 7, 2011