Well, fwiw, I have never admitted being either the EB or Santa to my kids - I've always simply told them that *I* believe in both and that as long as they believe, they will be real for them. Oddly enough, this has worked really well for my older 2 ... my youngest though, dd8, figured it out very early on, and she won't let it go. She's been once again reminding her older siblings for days that "Mom's the Easter Bunny!"... while ds12 stays quiet and dd10 continues to insist "I believe!!!" This morning she got up continuing her mantra of "Mom's the EB"... until... she couldn't find the 'special' egg she'd hidden last night in her tennis shoe (couldn't find the shoe either lol!).. hidden so that the EB couldn't find it... all of a sudden she was in a panic thinking the EB had not only found it but also taken it.... which meant for a brief moment in time I was able to out-logic her into believing that the EB must exist otherwise she wouldn't be in such a panic over worrying that a bunny who wasn't real had taken her shoe+egg... then she remembered where she'd hidden it and was back to "Mom's the EB" all over again...
But anyway, I believe. It wouldn't be much fun to not believe!