ps - there are two accommodations that our ds doesn't currently have that also I can see him using at some point in the future (he could have used them already but we haven't pushed for them... yet):

* reduced homework - ds usually only needs to do a problem once to get the concept. His homework last night had the same concept repeated again and again over 10+ problems - which would most likely be annoying to any gifted kid, but throw in the time sink and fatigue that goes along with dysgraphia, and the fatigue and time spent outweigh any learning benefits of the repeated work.

* extended time to turn in work - this can be important on days when there are after-school commitments etc - our ds spends so soooo much time on homework and also really needs extra time to recharge at night but the reality is his homework (across all subjects) takes longer than most kids due to his writing challenges and processing speed. The flip side of extended time in math is that the way his class works, kids are asked to work the problems before the class discusses them the next day, so it helps him to do his homework when it's assigned and to get it all done. So we haven't asked for extended time in math yet - but he gets it in other classes.
