I waiver back and forth debating whether or not I want to set up another meeting with the teacher since it is so close to the end of the year and we are planning to homeschool next year. My impression from her is that we are requesting accomodations, not to level the playing field, but make excuses for DS' weaknesses.
I would ignore the teacher's take on it, and call a team meeting to get accommodations documented. Even though you won't need documentation for homeschooling, having that documentation in place now may help your ds in the future. You might want him to take gifted program testing (like through CTY etc) or high-stakes testing early, or you may need to have him take standardized testing through your state's homeschooling requirements - and if so, your ds might want/need accommodations. You'll also have it for a later time if he does go back into public school - and it may help make the process for getting accommodations then go easier.
Best wishes,