My ds12 has dysgraphia and similar splits in VIQ/PRI vs PSI and WM. It will help to make sense of the WJ-III achievement tests if you look at them grouped by response type (oral vs handwritten) and also grouped by timed vs untamed. Our ds' scores seem to be very scattered upon first glance, but when you group them this way it's very clear which tests are timed and require handwriting - so his low scores are due to his dysgraphia and the tests don't accurately reflect his knowledge.

Is your ds going to have accommodations for dysgraphia at school? Do you need any suggestions/help with figuring out what to try or ask for? You mentioned your ds isn't a high achiever, that he just likes to learn. That sounds a lot like my ds - he never appeared to have very much motivation or "drive" when he was younger... but once he had accommodations in place his performance at school really improved a bunch, and he found some of that inner motivation. But he still reads ahead in class when he's bored lol.

You should be able to find the info on which tests are verbal/oral response and time vs untimed online, but if you can't, let us know and I'll get it from my notes.
