Mom2MrQ, I don't think there is anything typical about Asperger's + PG. That said, my son only has the AS label (his test scores are too scattered to be interpretable) and cannot cope with the timed math stuff either. Xtramath had him sobbing in front of the computer banging his head with his fists (the only time he exhibited such behavior) while being asked questions he could answer in his sleep. I had to stand there and hide the timer to allow him calm down enough to work through it.

Aleks has been much better for him (no timer!), and Dreambox before that (but you are probably well past that, since they only do K-4).

Oh, and the talking with vs. talking at people about subjects of interest is usually a tip-off toward not-AS, but the brighter the child the better at hiding symptoms, usually, so...

Can't really help much more, I have read the Dual/Misdiagnosis book section on AS 10 times and still can't figure it out. That said the label helped us get him help he really needed to better fit socially at school, so I am currently at peace with it.

I'd recommend trying to get those recommendation letters ASAP though. People with more experience of the process might be helpful, but if you have the scores have you tried to enroll him in some gifted summer program in an area of interest and get your recommendation from counselors/teachers?