Polarbear- Thanks so much for sharing your experience with your DD. I'm really glad OT helped her. DS does have a very hard time tuning in and/or out depending on the stimuli. This seems to be getting a little better with age and lots of work. As far as your question about coding it was spoiled because he skipped an entire line at the beginning and the tester didn't catch it. He is a lefty with a simian crease, fwiw.

Our tester said he usually gives all the subtests of the WISC although I don't think he did for DS as he had just turned six and although DS thought the testing was fun he was fatigued around lunchtime!

Any other insight regarding grade skipping/subject acceleration and twins would be greatly appreciated. DD is bright but doesn't seem to "need" it like her brother. The outcome of the parent teacher conference was that he would be MAP tested in the fall, but not because the trial isn't going well but because it seems easier for the school and because of OT/social concerns.