Hello all,
I have posted a few times before and appreciate all the interesting insight and experience of this board.
My DS 6 is a twin in a small suburban private school (mostly children of professionals) that we love. I am a little nervous because we have our parent teacher conferences later this afternoon and we are going to discuss ideas for placement for him for next year.
We had him tested in December (right at his 6th birthday) due to some concerns for social issues in the classroom (difficulty paying attention, pushing in line, not wanting to stop reading to go to art) by an assessor who is experienced with gifted kids and recommended on this board. This revealed that he has the opposite profile of a child with ADHD and although some of the teacher responses were suggestive of an ASD diagnosis, neither his assessment nor his developmental/home assessments were consistent with it. He specifically did not want to give him a 2e diagnosis.
We also initiated an OT evaluation at the same time for some mild gross/fine motor delays. She seems very experienced and agreeed that he did not seem similar to other kids with ASD who she treats but felt like he had classic sensory processing disorder. We are very excited to see what OT can do for him.
He has been trialing going to 1st for science and reading for the past 2-3 weeks and he is enjoying that. I am just trying to figure out how hard to push/insist on it for next year. It also affects his twin (she wants to know why she doesn't get to go to 1st for these subjects).
Sometimes concentration is a big issue for him. It took a really long time for him to be tested. Sorry for the long post!