Hi Pemberley,
I'm exactly where you are with my DD8 and I think these kids can be very social. Mine is very gregarious, though she does better with kids who are 2-3 years older but that might just be the intellectual/verbal skills are a better match. Also the issues she has with sequencing seem to hurt her in social situations.
It's really hard when your child is very bright and has LD issues, it can be so murky. The latest SENG webinar is going to be about working out the details of gifted and LD.
These LDs are so specialized and some of the indicators overlap. I know that to diagnose dyslexia for example the testing has to be very thorough and careful. If an OT didn't pick up on dypraxia I wouldn't think that would be reason to doubt. The training and experience of each one is so different. Feedback for my DD has been so incredibly "all over the place" over the years, it's so confusing.
My DD's current teacher does not accept any LD ideas (mainly the point being DD stays on target with her grade level), but she'll say things about how literal DD is (to the extend that it hurts her socially and with scoring on word problems and comprehension tests) and that she doesn't seem to "get" metaphors. Also when you see DD's work hanging in the hallway next to her classmate's it is plain as day that she doesn't have average "output".
I am pretty secure via reputation about the person who is going to be doing DD's new testing but I'm still reading alot and noting any feedback from school or things I see to offer, for him to gain as clear as a picture as he can. And for me too, since the better I can understand DD the more caring and appropriate parenting I can give her.