I have always found it difficult to determine when my children are actually misbehaving, and when they are being gifted.

For example, my dd9 is in a children's choir. She loves to perform, but really doesn't like rehearsals. They are boring and repetitive to her. To learn a difficult piece and multiple harmonies, you have to go over and over it. She dislikes the repetitive nature of it, but it is necessary if you want to be good. In that situation, I expect her to get over it that she's bored, pay attention and behave. She does not have to be entertained every second.

On the other hand, I have seen the problems that an inappopriate educational placement can cause. In the classroom, our kids should not be made to sit through content that they learned long ago, or that is well beneath their abilities. This brings to mind writing spelling words over and over, and doing pages and pages of math facts that were memorized months before. In that situation, it was not my DD's fault that she was misbehaving. I think I might have misbehaved too!

So, I think you need to try to tease out what the real issue is. What are they having her do during the day? Is it things she's already learned, or is she just not interested? If you do partial homeschooling anyway, if the program isn't good it probably isn't worth her time.