Handwriting can be a huge barrier. Luckily in this day and age, we have computers and dictation software. But, occasionally, handwriting is necessary.

Has your daughter ever been evaluated to find out if there is a visual motor or fine motor issue that is in the way and could be treated?

It is hard to say whether or not you do her a disservice by not addressing the issue. Poor handwriting can impact higher level math, note taking, the ability to compelte forms and worksheets. Most other writing can be accomplished on the computer. My son had OT to help with writing for 5 years. We finally gave up, as it seemed to be an issue that was taking a lot of time, not improving and accommodations seemed to make more sense for him.

But, realistically, difficulty with writing holds him back sometimes in math and just daily living. I think you have to weigh the pros and cons of your particular situation.