Originally Posted by nicole22
The teacher uses a sticker chart and if he receives 4 out 5 stickers he gets a happy note. If he comes home without a happy note he is grounded from going outside. I told he today he needed to all 5 stickers since yesterday he had 4 sad faces. He has brought home 5 sticker before.

I don't think this system is likely to be effective. A kindergartner needs immediate reward, not delayed reward, and certainly a delayed punishment at home will not feel connected at all to the behaviors that are happening at school.

Originally Posted by nicole22
He also had dance class yesterday and since this his 3rd time going I still let him go.

Taking away an after-school motor activity won't likely make a difference to behavior at school either. He will probably be frustrated and confused by this.

An evaluation-- one in which they take data on troubling behaviors-- will help you and the school develop a plan to address those behaviors in a way that is more likely to get results.

Originally Posted by nicole22
he is so sensitive. One time I cut his hair too short and he was upset about it for days. He said his friends didn't like it and that he wanted kill himself. I thought that was too much, needless to say I never cut his hair that short again.

Any suicide threat, even by a small child, needs to be taken seriously. I would suggest talking to a psychologist outside of school, as well as letting the school pursue their evaluation.

My sense is that you'll be more able to do something for him when you know more about what's going on.
