My DS 6yrs old is having some behavior problems in class. He is consistently making inappropriate noises and saying inappropriate things. First a little history: His sister which is 7yrs old shows a lot of the giftedness traits but they won�t test her until 3rd grade. She is in a high class at school though. She is very advance in English/spelling and has been reading since she was 3, which she taught herself. My DH was in gifted class until he went to private school. I on the other hand am not gifted and always struggled with grammar. Back to my DS, he seems smart. The teacher says he is doing very well academically. He loves numbers. He draws numbers on everything. He can do some addition and subtraction in his head. He can read a little but show no interest in it like his sister. I don't know what to do about his behavior. They were going to do a case study on him because they thing he may be ADHD but I told them that he doesn't behavior like this at home and most of the time he can play for long periods of time by himself. He loves Legos and will play with them for hours. Plus when they were going to the testing he all of sudden started behaving well. Now I get notes again saying he is acting up. Should I tell them to go ahead and do a case study on him? Do you think this will help him?
