Thanks for your reply. The teacher uses a sticker chart and if he receives 4 out 5 stickers he gets a happy note. If he comes home without a happy note he is grounded from going outside. I told he today he needed to all 5 stickers since yesterday he had 4 sad faces. He has brought home 5 sticker before. He also had dance class yesterday and since this his 3rd time going I still let him go. So, yesterday he wasn't really punished. I know I need to be tougher on him but it's really hard because he is so sensitive. One time I cut his hair too short and he was upset about it for days. He said his friends didn't like it and that he wanted kill himself. I thought that was too much, needless to say I never cut his hair that short again. I would gladly appreciate any discipline techniques that help you guys.
