Originally Posted by kikiandkyle
It takes an awful lot of work on our part to keep her running!

I always thought she'd just grow out of it, but I'd say it's actually gotten worse recently rather than better.

It is a lot of work, and during the years when hormones are doing their thing it looks like no progress at all is being made - it's tiny increments under the best of times, but, for us at least, DS15 has made amazing leaps in this area. Like many kids, his organizational skills were at one level, and his intellectual needs were at another level - so - heavy supervision. This was true but not noticible during elementary school (as long as he was allowed to read during classroom discussion) and most noticible following a grade skip into middle school. Luckily, time, finding a good fit school where he can flourish even with agemates, and medication for his ADHD-innatentive have helped his innate drive get it all together. By age 14 in 9th grade sub 2, he was living at a boarding school and engaged with his academic challenge with zero parental organizational support.

Best Wishes,

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