She has pretty much always walked around with 'blinkers' on - she doesn't see or hear things going on around her at all sometimes, because she's so engrossed in whatever she's thinking about. We've found checklists helpful for daily tasks, and her teachers have been helping with making sure she keeps track of her books etc. We also set up a system with them to make sure she's bringing her homework home. It takes an awful lot of work on our part to keep her running!

I always thought she'd just grow out of it, but I'd say it's actually gotten worse recently rather than better. My other child is a 21 month old who was born with a spinal condition. I feel like I have to spend as much time doing everything for her as I do for him, and he's just a toddler. I'm happy to do it if it keeps her on track, but I can't be there forever - eventually she needs to learn to take care of herself.