Just an update. The first graders have one big project all year. It is to collect 100 of something small and make something our of them. Most kids are picking shells or paper clips. My dd6 is making a book on index cards of 100 ideas. Lol. She did thirteen the first day and then would just sit ans stare at the paper. She is very very excited about this project and I was surprise she wouldn't continue with her ideas. A couple of example of ideas she wore by herself are:

to make an underwater camera.
To shrink grandma and put her on my shoulder.
There should be summerschool for everyone. (she wants to go)
and the best one:
that mommy writes the rest of my ideas.

She said that she has very good ideas but by the time she is done writing the first word she forgets what she was going to write. I thought that she was amaIng at being able to tell me what was going on and wwhy she didn't want to write.

When I took over the writing part, her ideas became these:
whenever you look at roses they bloom.
Electric fences should be visible. That means able to see. Because then you will know it is there and you won't get an electric shock.

There should be cursive numbers.

You should be able to press a button on a piece of paper and the button will disolve into the air. When you are done drawing the picture- it will start moving. For example - a moving marble.

Grandma should have a lawn mower as big as her lawn and it could mow fast. Then it folds up. The handle goes down, the sides go in, it folds again toward the road. A box with a bow ends up there and it is small so you can put it any storage room.

So you get the idea. No wonder she won't write. She has such bug ideas and they seem so small on paper.

My question. She is a little above grade level in school. Top of the class, youngest in the class, but ilsewms to be learning and engaged. She has not ever been tested but frquently gets 100 on assessments. I have no idea if she is gifted.

My major concern right now is that he has a learning disability. If I tell the scool psy this info, about her not being able to remember what she wanted to write and the difference in her work when she doest have to do the writing, will she laugh? I talked to her already about letter and number reversals and she said to come back next year.

I guess wondering what are you oppinions as to whether this is normal six year old development or more of a 2e thing. I really don't want to overlook her needs. She seems so frustrated with writing most time, yet one in a whil produces something great! Maybe her expectations for herself are unreasonably high causing the frustration and there isn't a ld at all.

Still typing with thumbs.