I am in Australia and which professionals do what here seems to be subtly different. I spent a lot of money with a neuropsych last year which produced no useful answers at all. Last week our DD had her assessment for spectrum disorders with a speech pathologist / psychologist team. They got to the end and said she's absolutely dyslexic, especially given she still presents like she does after obviously having had years of effective support and having started reading for pleasure. I am pretty sure she also had visual processing issues, which have resolved. There is no doubt that the improvement of her visual processing has helped her reading, but dyslexia is primarily an auditory issue, It's driven by weakness in phonemic and phonogical awareness. for us a speech pathologist has been the only professional that's really been clear on DDs dyslexia, not the BO and not even other psychs she's seen.

My second DD might also be dyslexic, but I suspect her issues are almost entirely visual processing related - and she's learned in 3 months what DD1 took 3 years to learn. She has tracking issues, reversals galore, struggles with fonts, text over pictures, font size, etc. But she powered through learning to read despite these issues. Whereas her sister could not fathom mapping sounds to symbols at all, and couldn't hear the sounds.

Last edited by MumOfThree; 01/13/12 03:18 PM.