It's so much tougher with a school age child than a preschooler in so many ways... so much higher expectations by the school, and if school isn't working there are so few other options for child care. All of this sounds so stressful and like I said before it's clear you just want him to have an easier time.

I think I remember from a while back that he was on Trileptal, an anti-epileptic, what happened with that? Is he still on it or did that get stopped? And did the Concerta help at all? Usually when there is a diagnosis of adhd it seems like a psychiatrist usually tries a few different meds for it before giving up on that class of treatment. This more seems like they have tried one medication from each of three classes and then decided that what it treats must not be the root issue. I guess I get the sense the psychiatrist really isn't sure what is going on with him and is kind of doing medication trials to see if that will help narrow down what is going on, do you feel like that? Better than asserting a exact diagnosis of course if they are in the dark, but makes it really confusing.

For the immediate future, what about a babysitter that could pick him up from school at lunch each day, just reduce the amount of time at school, too expensive? Or maybe a family style daycare would take him full time for some respite from school? Just seems hard to imagine him getting through the rest of the year at school while adjusting to these medication changes.

I second the idea to call your pediatrician and get their input also.
