Originally Posted by Cricket2
I don't think that I can help her unless I go back and learn it myself now.
Actually, my guess is that with Khan Academy and all the onther online help, that given enough time a step by step learner in Math could do quite well given enough time. Perhaps she could 'pre-learn' Calculus on her own (or with you or a tutor) over the summer before she takes it in school. I had a lot of trouble with AP Calc as a high school Senior, but the teacher was great, and after spending many many afternoons getting extra help I did have the feeling of finally 'getting it' which was very satisfying - not my first taste of academic difficulty, but my first experience with putting effort in and getting a wondeful result out.

I did take Calc again in College, and as well as Chemistry and Physics that I hadn't taken AP with a whole bunch of other kids who had taken it before. Did I resent being graded on a curve with kids who already were quite familar with the material? You bet I did! I call this the SUV problem.

If 60% of the vehicles on the road are SUV and could do major damage to you in your normal sized car, do you go out and buy an SUV? What about 75%, 99%? http://www.smartmotorist.com/traffic-and-safety-guideline/the-suv-controversy.html
I counted up one day at our local park, and there were 30 minivans and SUV, and zero cars.

love and more love

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