When DS was in pre-k at 3 I ha to explain to his teacher she would never get compliance with how she spoke to him - she would always say things like DS, would you like to line up now, which of course to DS was a choice not a request. Even, it's time to line up now he treated as a statement not a request for action!!
And some many of our little gifties can be so LITERAL. DS messed up a chance to go to a particular private school after 4th grade because they asked him, 'Would you like to do a writing sample now?'
'Oh no, I'm finding this class discussion much too interesting!, I'll stay right here.'
He returned head over heals about the school, but they weren't at all impressed with him. He did learn from the experience though. So did I. At the next school we looked at I pulled them aside and said: "If you want to see his writing ability, walk him over to a computer, sit him down, and tell him what to do."
Apparently they did as I asked, because the evaluator said it was the best writing performance by a 4th grader she had ever seen in 20+ years.
I was still partially in denial because I thought he had an 'unfair advantage' because he had been allowed to type, and, isn't everyone a better writer when allowed to type?
Smiles and Happy Friday,