Here is a typical Mr W (4y0m) attempt to get what he wants.

DW stops to get gas. Mr W in his car seat.

"Mom, we are at Racetrac. Can I have a slurpee?"

"No, I just have money for gas. I do not have money for a slurpee."

"But, mommy, you don't need money for a slurpee."

"Honey, you DO need money for a slurpee."

"But, mommy, there is no slot for a dollar bill on the slurpee machine so you do not need money."

"Honey, you have to pay at the counter."

"Buuuut, mommy, dad never gives the man at the counter any money."

"Yes, he does."

"No way mommy."

"Honey, we are NOT getting a slurpee, but we are going inside so I can show you that you need money."

They go inside, wait in line, then they get to the front.

"Honey, do you have something to ask the man?"

"Sir, can I borrow some money to get a slurpee? My mommy does not have any money."