DS8's been having so much trouble in school that the principal felt it necessary to call and talk today. For some reason she couldn't get a hold of me, so she spoke with my hubby. He was very upset and couldn't really relay what all she said very well. But he mentioned she felt he was depressed and talked of hating himself and wanting to die. frown

I feel like I need a magic wand for him! I don't know anymore what is going on with him. We were certain he was just ADHD, then we began to suspect he was also gifted. Now, I'm pretty sure he's gifted, but I'm not 100% about ADHD anymore.. maybe it's Asperger's? Maybe it's something else entirely?! I have no idea. I also feel like the school situation is making things a thousand times worse - he doesn't (feel like) he has any friends, he's bored nearly the whole day, I'm pretty sure his teacher is tired of dealing with him.

I am going to talk to my hubby about taking him to see Dr Lusby. She's been mentioned on here before - she can do a full neuropsych eval. The only downside is I have no idea how we would pay for that right now!
