lol (sorry to laugh, but that's my dd11 as well). My dd tends to drive both me and dd13 a bit insane b/c dd13 is an introvert and I really like quiet. I can't read more than a sentence w/out dd11 sitting next to me and wanting to talk.

I don't want the kiddo to feel constantly rejected, but it is hard. The only things that seems to occupy her attention other than constant human interaction are TV and other electronics. I certainly don't want to plunk her down in front of the TV non-stop.

It has gotten a little better as she's gotten older just b/c she's older enough to try more, but there is just a huge personality mismatch in our household.

In my dd's instance, she does have ADD, but she is also a HUGE extrovert so I can't say which piece plays more into her inability to self entertain and constant need to talk to people. At school, she's apparently rather quiet, which makes my head spin, but my general take when I went in to volunteer when she was younger was that she was essentially checking out and daydreaming or sleepwalking through the day. That isn't good either.