We did share this info with the local school before DS went to kindergarten, because we wanted to show how different our kiddo was so he could get some differentiation. Now he's at a school for HG kids, and the test scores were part of the application packet. I'm not sure if the teachers know or care what the actual numbers are - it might just be the Gifted Coordinator who got the numbers. If we start running into a period at this school where DS is underchallenged again, we may discuss the LOG with the teachers, to show he's different and then some.

As for sharing with our DS, at this point I don't think he even knows what IQ scores are, and we have no plans to share at this young age (he's almost 8). When he was tested at age 4, we told him that the testing showed that he had the ability to learn certain things much more quickly than most kids. We do want him to know that he's different in some ways. (I remember thinking I must not be so smart because when the teacher asked a question and no one answered, even though I thought the answer was easy, I started to think I must be missing something if no one else raised their hand, and so I wouldn't raise my hand and I would wonder what I was missing....)