One good thing about LDs and Bottlenecks....sometimes they make school bearable. Is your son happy at school? Does he have friends?

If he isn't miserable then one way to handle things is to leave him in school and spend private tuition money on outside helpers to adress the eye coordination issues and dyslexia.

You son is certainly gifted...remember the bell curve. About 50% of gifted kids are bunched up right at the cut off line line with their test scores. Other places call that moderately Gifted but I call that Optimally Gifted because usually schools can provide a good education with some tweating and parents can do the rest on the weekends if they are willing to give up 'having a life'

Your son s scores are beyond that clump. Hard to say without time and achievement score how far beyond but you may as well start saying that he is just like his sister only shows it different.

I suspect that the LD are severe....if you and this teacher and the other teachers he has always had haven't seen the gifted part. There isn't even much scatter in those scores if you compare him to 2e pg kids. Obviously something is going on with the visual system. In the meantime Id work on developing the love of literature through audio books and discussion. Id also find his strenghts and hot house those someday they are going to carry him up and over those LDs.

As a thought experiment journal your sons history as though he were very low vision...legally blind....but brillient at being undetected because he could use is intellegency to make the most of the little input his visual system provided and his great love od life to power him through.

Love and more love

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