Hi there,
I was wondering if anyone could help regarding the possibility of my son potentially being 2E. We never considered him to be gifted; his teacher also explicitly informed us that he was in no way gifted. I had concerns re dyslexia - he exhibits several symptoms (letter reversals and substitutions, misspells own surname, skips and substitutes words when reading and is continually rubbing his eyes), additionally dh is dyslexic - but the school inform me he is not behind enough for this to be the case. I've done quite a lot of reading re stealth dyslexia and think it is a possibility. We've seen a developmental optom and ds has specs for reading. I though he would have outgrown most of these literacy issues by now - he will be 8 in April. I was just after any insight on these scores - specifically any possible reasons for the discrepancy in subtest scores. He is pretty laid back really, very sensitive emotionally, but does not have issues with anxiety or perfectionism. He does, however, suffer from frustration and loves to read but gives up saying his eyes hurt and the print is too difficult after a few pages. I just want to help him and try and figure out how to best help him at school. He is above average in math and average in literature. His teacher just views him as mr average with occasional sparks of being 'bright', but extremely inconsistent in his writing and comprehension ability.
Fluid Reasoning 147 99.9th
Knowledge 143 99.8th
Quantitative Reasoning 122 93rd
Visual-Spatial Processing 117 87th
Working Memory 123 94th
Nonverbal IQ 131 98th
Verbal IQ 136 99th
Full Scale IQ 135 99th
Gifted Composite 140 99.6th
Fluid Reasoning � routing 17
Knowledge 18
Quantitative Reasoning 14
Visual Spatial 12
Working Memory 13
Fluid Reasoning 19
Knowledge � routing 17
Quantitative Reasoning 14
Visual Spatial 14
Working Memory 15
I'd be so grateful for any input

Many thanks and New Year's Blessings,